Digital Content

Day 4: Sharing, access, and copyright for your video

Video in Teaching and Learning- Part 2

Written by Janene Harman, ANU Online


Image source: retrieved 30/8/17

Welcome to day 4 of this Coffee course. Today we will be looking at sharing, access and copyright for video. After creating and editing your video there are a number of options for making your video available to your students for them to access. This can depend on the type of video you have made and also if you want it to be available exclusively to your students or more publicly to the wider world. The content you have included in the video may also affect this decision. 




What concerns do you have with sharing video? Post about this in the forum or tell us if you have  had any good or bad experiences of sharing video.

Options for sharing video:


At the ANU any lecture capture videos are recorded in the lecture recording system within the room you are lecturing in using the Echo360 recording system. Recordings are automatically stored in Echo360 and housed there for students to access from their courses.

From the beginning of 2018 Echo360 ALP (Active Learning Platform) will be fully available throughout the University. ALP  allows you to organise videos you create, such as using PCAP (Echo360 Personal Capture) or your lecture recordings. Here they can be housed and organised in the one place. ALP allows you to have PowerPoint presentations alongside your video in which you can  create an active learning experience for your students through the development of interactive slides. These slides will allow you  to embed video  you have created and create quiz slides to go with your video. More detail about ALP will be coming  in a future coffee course specifically about this platform.

YouTube and Vimeo

After you have downloaded your PCAP or the recording that you have created you may want to put it into YouTube or Vimeo for your students to access. These platforms allow you to upload video you have created,for example you could download your lecture recordings, edit them and keep the key bits or add images and then put them into one of these platforms for students to access. You might want to find out if your college has an existing YouTube or Vimeo account that you can use or you can set up your own channel for free by going to these sites and joining up.

The following short video’s demonstrate the processes of uploading video to YouTube and Vimeo:

Uploading to YouTube

Uploading to Vimeo

Once your video is in YouTube or Vimeo you can then link to it from your Wattle course or embed it in a page. Keep in mind that it is better to embed a video within a page in Wattle rather than embedding it directly into your course as this can cause problems for students who are on limited internet access and the video may be difficult to download especially if it is a large video.

Keep in mind copyright!

Remember when sharing video you need to keep copyright in mind. This means making sure that any images or content you are using in your videos is copyright compliant especially if your video are going to be available to the wider world. There are laws in Australia that apply to what and how video can be used within the educational context. Below are a number of links to various university guides on copyright and how it applies to lecture recording capture and to the use of video within Learning Management sites (LMS). You need to consider your  and be aware of your responsibilities  when using video and images in your teaching.  

The following resources provide guidance and information about copyright in relation to video use:

Make use of the commons!

Sourcing creative commons materials and images to use in your teaching is the safest way to go. In the previous coffee course, Designing effective presentations Day 4, there are a number of links to CC image sites. The following slide show provides a good summary of creative commons for educators.

There are a number of sites that provide CC cleared video material that you can search for video resources to use in your teaching.

Even though the material you use is freely available through Creative Commons it is good practice to attribute what you are using. The following sites provides guidance on attribution, Attributing Creative Commons Materials and Creative Commons Australia How to attribute Creative Commons licensed materials.

Other sites you might like to explore

The following sites have video resources already available that you could link to in your Wattle (Moodle) site. Many Universities have their own YouTube or Vimeo channels that you can go to to find video that you can link to and also CC video that you can use.

Big Think – this site houses  videos developed by academics in the relevant field along with other resources on different topics in one easy to find place.

Screenshot UNSW TV

Another great place to find CC videos in YouTube is to search for University channels, here universities post many quality CC videos covering many faculty areas and you can access material from universities all over the world. Just look for the CC. Here are a couple of examples:



Join us for a face-to-face session

Dont’ forget to register if you would like to join us for the face to face session tomorrow. We look forward to seeing you then!

Friday, 8 September, 12-1pm, Chancelry Building #10, 10 East Road – meet in the Lobby

We invite you to a hands-on session where you can learn more about and practise presenting on camera in the SCAPA Professional Media Studio.  Jamie Kidston from SCAPA will also be on hand to share his tips. Please RSVP to: if you are able to attend. View the campus map for directions.


13 thoughts on “Day 4: Sharing, access, and copyright for your video

  1. I would be concerned about a few things:
    – not realising you had made a mistake before publishing
    – being trolled or negatively judged by students or peers
    – getting the copyright wrong by accident
    – just the fact that you’re putting yourself out there!
    I know some of those things would get better with experience and/or confidence, especially as videos in teaching become the norm in university education.

    1. Hi Angela,

      Thank you for your comment and for raising the concerns you have. I think that most people have these and similar concerns. Putting yourself out there is a scary thing. Most of us hate seeing ourselves on video or fear being broadcast.But the video does not have to necessarily feature you, showcase your content and just have a voice over to narrate what it is you are communicating can be just as effective.
      Not realising you have made a mistake before publishing should be able to be overcome by previewing anything you make first, most video editing applications should have a preview capability.
      The trolling/negativity issue is of course a concern, ANU has policies and guidelines about internet behaviour that students and staff are meant to adhere to and there is accountability there.
      Using CC cleared images or material overcomes copyright concerns and as and Educational institution we are covered under that section of the copyright act.
      I do not like seeing myself in videos at all but as I mentioned above there are lots of alternatives to filming yourself, get creative about how you present your content there are some great, easy to use, free and fun software packages out there in which you can create video presentations. As an example I knew a business academic who created a series of videos in Powtoons for her students, which they loved!

    2. Hi Angela,

      I share your concerns about negative comments and trolling. I have many colleagues (at ANU and elsewhere) who have had negative experiences online as it is often not a safe space. No matter your credentials, putting yourself online can expose you to unwanted attention. I’m thinking of recent examples like famous classicist Mary Beard and her Twitter problems (

      One thing I always do with work-related YouTube videos is make them unlisted, so that they cannot be found by anyone unless they have the link, and I also turn off comments and ratings on the videos. I like to try and make sure videos remain in their proper context (like the coffee course videos, which are placed on YouTube but only available through the blog). It’s not a foolproof solution, but it gives me sufficient piece of mind to feel comfortable putting my material online. Great discussion everyone!

  2. I can’t say I have any either notably “good” or “bad” experiences. Thanks for the copyright hints — I will be keeping all my videos closed within ANU.
    I do not like to put stuff on youtube. I am a little surprised to see that not discussed here.

    Youtube says that, with your posted video, they can use it for whatever they like (including making derivative works and selling it). Even if you delete it they can still do this “within a commercially reasonable time “. They can keep forever anything you post and then delete. And all this applies irrespectively of whether you posted your video as hidden/private. And no requirement for attribution either!

    Have I misunderstood? This is why I will not use youtube. Is vimeo any better?

    Relevant extract from Youtube T&C follows:

    However, by submitting Content to YouTube, you hereby grant YouTube a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicenseable and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, publish, adapt, make available online or electronically transmit, and perform the Content in connection with the Service and YouTube’s (and its successors’ and affiliates’) business, including without limitation for promoting and redistributing part or all of the Service (and derivative works thereof) in any media formats and through any media channels. You also hereby grant each user of the Service a non-exclusive license to access your Content through the Service, and to use, reproduce, distribute, display, publish, make available online or electronically transmit, and perform such Content as permitted through the functionality of the Service and under these Terms of Service. The above licenses granted by you in video Content you submit to the Service terminate within a commercially reasonable time after you remove or delete your videos from the Service. You understand and agree, however, that YouTube may retain, but not display, distribute, or perform, server copies of your videos that have been removed or deleted. The above licenses granted by you in user comments you submit are perpetual and irrevocable.

    1. Thank you Kerry for the very helpful information on YouTube and highlighting its policies. Defiantly something to keep in mind.
      I suspect Vimeo probably has a similar policy and highlights the need for some sort of privately managed ‘in house’ system in which video can be housed and made available through. The arrival of Echo360 ALP in the future will accommodate video behind a firewall environment and could be a good alternative to housing in YouTube or Vimeo if you are worried about where it might end up in the future. But the reality is video can be downloaded and shared and we cannot always control it.
      Does anyone else have any thoughts on the YouTube policy?

      1. Hi Kerry, you are right on the mark with your comments about YouTube. Their terms of service are quite expansive (for YouTube) and it’s really important to be informed about what you are agreeing to before you upload a video. When you add something to YouTube, you can change the license from “Standard YouTube license”, which has all the conditions you mention, to “Creative Commons Attribution” –
        Content marked under this license can still be reused — but it does mean that attribution is required (and automatically included). It also means you retain the copyright for it. I try to ensure all videos uploaded to our ANU Online channel are marked with this license.

        In any case, sharing your content only within the ANU systems is absolutely an option for you.

  3. Wow! Interesting re. youtube Kerry… thanks.
    And I think Angela’s concerns about being trolled are fair enough (there’s a lot of really nasty stuff out there, especially attacks directed against women… for a Classicist like me, Mary Beard springs to mind straight away). I guess a solution is to limit publication to echo360. That way only your students and co-workers will see the video. In my experience, students are really forgiving… much more so than peers!
    I do worry about my own redundancy though… it must be tempting for educational institutions to build up libraries of video presentations and then use them to reduce teaching. I don’t mind if it means I work less, but I do mind if it means I don’t work at all! More of an issue with casualization of educational labour, I should think, but something to think about.

    1. Hi Chris, I really appreciated your comments relating to casualisation – I too am very concerned about this. It becomes even more complicated in online environments where there is a trend of online teaching not being appreciated or renumerated in the same way as face to face, and it’s also harder to quantify because of the lack of “contact hours”. I try to advocate for dedicated teaching time for all online courses — as we’ve discussed in previous courses (, teacher presence and active facilitation is key to effective online experiences for students. One of my thoughts around videos is to make lots of short, “chunked” videos that each address a specific concept, and are strung together to make a whole block of content for a week. In this model, one or two of the short videos would be updated or replaced every year/semester to keep the material fresh, but some of the core, foundational concepts might remain the same. This will hopefully give the teaching team more time to focus on online discussions, marking and feedback, and so on. But that’s my dream world, I know!

  4. On Thursday I had a one hour demo of a video conferencing product. The sales team were keen to sell it into higher education, but did not seem to be in tune with my concerns about privacy. Their product allows up to 5,000 recipients, but there is no way to limit access to a class in a LMS, such as Moodle. When the demonstrator said they had full Facebook integration, was around the time I stopped listening: I don’t want to force students to go anywhere near Facebook.

    My concerns with sharing video are much the same as for other content. The student’s privacy can be easily inadvertently breeched. While in the video conference demo in my office, I looked over my shoulder and realized a student was behind me. I had to carefully position the camera so no one else was visible.

    Privacy is particularly a concern with international students. A video of them taking part in a session where views are expressed contrary to that of their government, or their state religion, could get them into very serious trouble.

    Even for domestic students this could be a problem. ANU has many public servants as students. I was told by an Australian Public Servant this week that they had all been warned to express no opinion on the marriage equality “survey”: clicking “like” on a post would result in disciplinary action. A video of a student expressing a view, or even just taking part in a discussion of a topic the government thought controversial (such as that climate change is real and is caused by burning coal) would likely get them into trouble and much more so than just a “like” or short text message.

  5. Thanks, everyone – today’s postings have, indeed, been thought provoking!

    I’ve not uploaded a video to YouTube yet but I did come f2f with the concerns raised today over privacy, during Part 1 of this course [when we were asked to share a video amongst ourselves] when I followed the steps to see how I might go about uploading in the future.

    There clearly are many risks and uncertainties associated with the use of video in teaching, and I find conversations, such as that exchanged today, enormously valuable in helping me navigate a ‘safe’ way forward.

    As I’ve indicated in earlier postings, I enjoy doing MOOCs and I especially love the capacity for teaching videos to progress the democratisation of knowledge. Contributing to the democratisation of knowledge is important to me and once I have teaching videos of a standard I’m happy with, I want them to be accessible to the public [given Creative Commons copyright protections]. For similar reasons, I welcome developments in open-access, journal publishing.

    So although I share the very real concerns over YouTube’s ‘perpetual’ Terms and Conditions and whether the production of teaching videos has a built-in redundancy for the teacher, I wonder whether the ‘firewall’ protections of such things as ECHO360 ALP will not only protect us as teachers but also work against the democratising force of online teaching videos!

  6. I don’t have much to offer in terms of positive or negative as all this is new to me. Like others, I am worried about negative comment. My other concern is the misuse of others’ content unintentionally. I think getting the CC stuff clear in my mind is a significant area of learning for myself. Thanks very much for the discussion about YouTube T&Cs – very informative.

  7. Like Imogen I don’t have much to offer in terms of positive or negative experiences. I do find it interesting that courses (in high school environment) have a specific math program with built in videos but then the teacher emails students heaps of other links to videos elsewhere. Information overload – which site is the best to use and could all this create a negative experience for the student.
    I agree with Janene “Most of us hate seeing ourselves on video or fear being broadcast. But the video does not have to necessarily feature you showcase your content and just have a voice over to narrate what it is you are communicating can be just as effective.” I plan to use that technique.
    Great links to CC and copyright to review and understand.

  8. I have not shared videos on YouTube, for similar reasons maybe that Angela raised. When creating videos I have shared them on Echo360 but I am interested now in investigating the value of Microsoft365 as a home for course video sharing. Thank you for the reminders about CC and copyright. It is always something to be conscious of especially when ‘practicing what we preach’ to students so to speak 🙂

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