
Flipping the Classroom Day 5

Applying the flipped model

In today’s post, we look at some examples of flipped classroom, and we invite you to apply it to your own teaching practice. There will be a little bit less material provided by us, as we’d like you to take the time today to think about how your own flipped model might work.

Investigate flipped examples in your discipline

How flipped classroom works in different disciplines can vary quite a bit. Select an example below from your discipline area, or search for your own examples. (Some of the recommended videos below are a bit long; feel free to watch as much or as little as you like.)

What do you think of their approach? Compare how they have tackled this to how you might do it. Think also about the pros and cons of the way they have approached the class.

Tell us your flipped strategy

Share with us how you might apply the flipped classroom in your own teaching practice. You might want to include the following things in your response:

  • What part or parts of your course would you flip?
  • What form of pre-work would you create? (e.g. Narrated presentation, screen recordings, lecture capture?)
  • What software might you use to do it? (e.g. Camtasia, Echo360?)
  • What types of activities would you use in your active learning classroom? (e.g. Group discussions, Problem-based learning, collaborative presentations, buzz groups?)
  • What type of reflective or discussion activities would work for this class?

What challenges might you face?

UNSW has a list of issues that often arise when flipping a classroom for the first time. Do you think any of these would apply to your model?

Challenges that can arise when using flipped classrooms include:

  • Students may not be prepared.
  • Time, expertise and effort are needed to create/source videos.
  • A flipped classroom requires careful preparation, and the right mix of out-of-class and in-class elements.
  • It is not appropriate for some types of content.
  • Students may not immediately understand the value of this model.
  • Equipment and access for students to view video lectures may be an issue.
  • There may be problems with the availability of class spaces that support active and collaborative work.
  • The flipped classroom entails a change in role of students and staff. Students need to own their learning and teachers need to become facilitators.

Share your strategy in a comment on this post, or test out some of the new software by creating a video or other way of presenting your strategy. It doesn’t have to be a final version – just your initial ideas. Please give and receive some feedback on your ideas from the other participants in the course.


32 thoughts on “Flipping the Classroom Day 5

  1. I am a part-time contract lecturer at ANU and so have limited resources to innovate. However, this is my thinking __if__ I were to change things:

    **** What part or parts of your course would you flip?
    Not sure whether ‘parts’ relates to content or delivery.
    Content: all probably but time constraints in preparing material might mean doing only some content to start with.
    Delivery: Replacing lectures by on-line material. Some small changes to tutorials.

    **** What form of pre-work would you create?
    (e.g. Narrated presentation, screen recordings, lecture capture?)
    Not really sure of the difference between “narrated presentation” and “lecture”, nor between “recording” and “capture”. Sorry if I missed the subtleties of the jargon.
    What I have in mind is recording of my usual lectures, using my existing slides, but, taking Joe Hope’s advice, editing out all the ‘um’s and ‘er’s and speeding up hand-written bits. Whether I would record in advance, or use existing Echo360 recordings, I don’t know. Also, I have in mind to break up a 50min lecture into perhaps three chunks, with at least one question (probably most often multiple choice) to be answered at the end. I am thinking that I would like to make progression to the next chunk dependent on answering the question correctly, allowing (but recording) multiple attempts.

    ****What software might you use to do it? (e.g. Camtasia, Echo360?)
    I haven’t tried Camtasia. A disadvantage of Echo360 is that there is no way to include any talking head to break up the slides and personalise the presentation a bit.

    ****What types of activities would you use in your active learning classroom?
    (e.g. Group discussions, Problem-based learning, collaborative presentations, buzz groups?)
    I would basically continue with my current tutorial format. Briefly, that is as follows:
    Two-hour tutorials of 15 – 20 students held in rooms with at least four whiteboards, or equivalent.
    First hour: students work in groups of 3-5 students on problems assigned by the tutor from a set of six tutorial questions. During this time the tutor returns marked assignments, occasionally giving individual advice to students about their work, or giving short board presentations about issues that a number of students had with particular assignment problems.
    Second hour: students take turns in presenting the solutions they have been working on during the first hour. The tutor directs activities to try to give everyone an opportunity to spend a few minutes on their feet, as tutorial participation is assessed (just on a yes/no basis). Of course the tutor also endorses/amplifies/corrects solutions as appropriate and encourages questions or comments from the class.
    Extra time?: If deleting formal lectures allowed an increased budget for tutorials, an extra half hour could allow for a short Socrative-type quiz, relating to notation, terminology and key facts, at the beginning of the tutorial, followed by brief discussion of answers. The idea would be to emphasise the importance of doing the preparatory on-line work before coming to tutorials. For this to work, the quiz would probably have to be worth some nominal contribution to course grade.

    ****What type of reflective or discussion activities would work for this class?
    I don’t know. I discussed this in yesterday’s post, asking for suggestions.

  2. Working in a hospital with clinical teaching I think this model would be suitable for common conditions/treatments that students need to learn about.
    eg Induction of labour
    1. Pre reading of hospital guidelines on induction and other on line learning
    2. Meet on ward to see equipment used with clinician to further discuss
    3. Follow a patient through induction process
    4. Write a short evidence based piece of types of induction and risks

    1. Thanks for this Michael! I find learning about the challenges of applying these models in clinical teaching very interesting. I like how in your plan above there is flexibility for students, in terms of when and how they do the induction and learning, but then hopefully more time for hands on learning with equipment and patients.

  3. Given so many of our students are international students who normally find it difficult to follow the materials at lectures, pre-recordings could be useful for them to prepare themselves before the lectures, and some quizzes could be given based on the pre-recordings. Then at least half of the Lecture time may be used for practical applications and/or questions related to the materials covered in the pre recordings. Many challenges remain, including the availability of a team of trained tutors willing and being able to help facilitate the group work etc. Thanks again for all the information provided here and all the best to all!

  4. One of the major concerns that I hear from lecturers about recording lectures is losing the sense of performance that you can only get from presenting to people. While resourcing is clearly a question to be addressed, maybe we can consider making live recordings (even multi-cam?) of lectures that can be broken up into chunks as a way of capturing this energy.

    The other major question that I think we’ll need to address is how to support students that haven’t done the prep/reading/viewing before attending the face to face session. Maybe the first 10 minutes could be dedicated to (more prepared) students delivering a summary of the material covered. Alternately, maybe a PollEverywhere type pop-quiz of 5 or so questions covering key content. I can appreciate that there might be a feeling that if students don’t prepare, they shouldn’t be mollycoddled but this might offer an opportunity to see that everyone is on track and also to reduce the incidence of students not going to the f2f sessions if they are underprepared.

    1. Yep, non-prep, hmmm. I like your suggestion to provide a mechanism that brings the underprepared students up to speed in a way that enables them to participate with confidence. Though this can mean some will ride on coat-tails of those who’ve done the prep work, better to keep the door open for a greater percentage to attend f2f and stay on track with their learning.

      1. This is one of the biggest issues with a model like this. In theory it all works great, but that depends on all the students completing their work beforehand so they can best participate in the F2F time. I’ve seen a ton of different strategies to deal with it, including having assessed quizzes on the material in the F2F time, using jigsaw groups (https://www.jigsaw.org/), or getting students to share 1 question or thought from the pre-work at the beginning of class.

        I’m not sure how I feel about penalising students who haven’t done the pre-work (there may be a variety of reasons this didn’t get done) but I think it’s important that doing the pre-work is incentivised in some way to encourage that it get done.

        1. Hi Katie,

          I sometimes suggest getting students to complete a small task related to the reading/watching materials prior to coming to class (e.g. a short online quiz, sketching out an idea, answering some questions and bringing them to class). This helps the teacher to understand the level of comprehension students have while also encouraging them to keep up-to date with the material. These can be made low-stakes summative tasks or even ones which only require an attempt.

          The problem with activities of this kind is that they feel like extra work for students and staff with little immediate payoff. Unless the task can be automatically graded staff end up with more “marking” (especially casuals) and more preparation.

          The students feel like they are doing more work but if it isn’t assessed they often don’t see the point (because for many of them assessment is all that counts). The solution to this problem appears to be being very explicit about the benefits to everyone in terms of having a good class discussion (and thus better understanding, outcomes etc). That and making the task not onerous.

          One way of making sure pre-work counts is to have it as an essential part of the class activities. Then if you haven’t done it then you can’t fully participate. However this can penalise students who for valid reasons were not able to complete the pre-work (as you pointed out above). It’s truly a wicked problem!

          Thanks very much for putting these blog posts together.


    2. I agree, Colin, I think it would been a great advantage to be able to use multi-cam live recordings to create a basis for some flipped classroom (and online classroom resources). As well as allowing the capture of staff interacting with students and the element of performance, it would also offer the opportunity to capture events or one-off lectures with visitors or specialists where there was opportunity.

  5. One of the concerns I have had regarding flipped classrooms is how to deal with the (potentially large number of) students who come unprepared to the face to face sessions. I like Colin’s suggestion of having some students deliver a summary of the material presented. I also wonder if attendance in the “flipped model” is any better than the interactive lecture format I currently use? At the undergraduate level attendance in my lectures is at about the 40-50% mark half way through the semester, while at the postgraduate level it is at the 70-80% mark. I have spoken to students about why they are not attending, and common replies are: work commitments, lack of parking, hassle of coming in for 1 or 2 hours etc. I think the flipped classroom model can work, and this course has been useful in helping me think about how I can successfully implement it in my courses, but I do worry that it won’t necessarily solve the attendance problem the University is considering at the moment.

  6. Again I agree with Steve, coming prepared is a big problem in my tutorials. As I teach Business Comminication, many students think they can wing it as it is often subjective. I tried giving everyone a turn in delivering a summary through the semester. However, then the others did not prepare. This semester I asked one student to shut their eyes and point to the roll, thus randomly selecting someone the week they present. This did work, but some students were very comfortable in saying “sorry, I haven’t done the preparation” Grrr.

    I too would love suggestions.

    1. Hi Narelle,

      A few of the more recent comments have covered this but it’s always an option to include a quiz in each class that covers the material from the pre-work that is part of their overall grade for the course. Another option is to go in knowing that some students will not have prepared. I like to put students in groups for the first 10 mins or so and have them come up with some discussion points or questions from the pre-work together. Then they all at least have some idea of what the pre-work was about and can discuss it. Other ideas welcome!

  7. Not sure yet which bits to flip of the one-off, opt-in library research sessions I run, but initial thoughts are to send out a link to a Padlet page prior to the session with an open-ended question that will be discussed in the session plus links to couple of resources that set the scene.

    In class activities could be:
    – 3-5 min exercise pairing up to brainstorm each other’s research question/s (topic analysis) and potential databases/resources
    – 5 min individual exercise to identify initial search strategies and compare results across 3 databases

    Have you identified a seminal article or a significant author/s and their publications?
    Where are the gaps – what information or argument do you still need to identify? Do you need to investigate alternative sources or rethink your search strategy?
    Advanced database functionality & citation metrics.
    Roadblocks to obtaining full-text, or the article you require – tips and tricks

    – 1 minute paper wrap up activity – what have you learned? what is unclear?

  8. I really like the comments and suggestions many people have made about how to get students to prepare better.

    I’ve observed a few flipped classrooms in the past by some award winning educators in business faculties and they tend to use some form of test/assessment which counts to the final grade. Either that, or they get you to do a task which really requires them to do the prework otherwise they really can’t do anything and they just sit there looking quite embarrassed.

    I think changing the culture of our students is the greatest challenge for flipped classrooms. If you can get them to put in significant effort before hand (even if it was to preread the chapter in a textbook) it would make a huge difference to class learning.

    Personally I’m looking forward to flipping my classroom as I have found many videos online that are appropriate. Where I see the challenge lies in creating activities that best help students explore the concepts that are discussed in their prework.

    I’m also wondering is there such a thing as “reverse flipping” – some form of experiential learning where you get students to try to do the activity first without prior knowledge (and use class time to do this) and then get them to go an watch a video etc that explains what they may have experienced.
    In regard to

  9. I’d definitely be interested in adding elements of the flipped classroom to my teaching in future. In terms of what sort of pre-work I’d create I think recordings of key concepts and/or videos from other sources would work well, as well as the required readings for those concepts. I think it’d be really beneficial to students to be able to add CATs (socrative or minute papers most likely) to F2F time to ensure the learning is progressing at an appropriate pace and to be able to clear up any common muddy areas as they came up.

    I also wonder then if the hours allotted to lectures could be reduced and tutorial times increased (we only have 1 hour tutes at the moment which obviously impacts how much we can cover).

    Finally, I’d like to add my thanks to everyone for organising this course! It’s be really enjoyable and I look forward to using some of the tools and techniques in my teaching 🙂

  10. I would like to use the idea of flipping for introduce the vocabulary before the class.
    Screen recordings will be a great form, because students feel easy to do this task compared to write something or read something before the class.
    Small group discussion to check their task will be good, because some of advanced level students can help other group members.
    Watching similar video is also good way to reflect or to check their improvement, because they can experience the difference between before and after knowing the vocabulary.

    Thank you for this wonderful course! I would like to take other coffee course later.

    1. I think that’s a great way to start, Jeong, but I think you can do even more! In the language class that I taught, I also had my students do other things at home – e.g. I had them watch a video on a grammar topic and had them do some simple online exercises. In class, we would then discuss the more complicated points and use the grammar in context.
      But you can also work on skills. Listening skills for example. Have your students watch a video and test whether they have ‘decoded’ the content via an online multiple choice quiz. In class, you can watch the video again (or just have your students summarise it) and then link it to a discussion activity or role play.
      I noticed you wrote your comment 2.5 years ago – I’m curious to hear what you have tried out since!

  11. As Imogen posted how we could use in library research sessions (I agree with all her ideas) – I will provide my views on the Macquarie academics who reflected on flip classroom implementation (under Law & Public Policy)
    I enjoyed the MQ 4 videos on the practicals of how they admit no more face to face lectures and how the students know they have to watch the videos of lecturer first to be prepared before attending tutorial. Law will break 2.0hr into 5 x 20min segments then have quizzes. Personally, I thought that would be better than 2 full hours – especially if student loses connection and has to figure out where they left off and that could deter from being a successful project.
    Good to hear that MQ noticed more engagement of students since this change.

  12. The unit I currently teach in is flipped as well as blended. For this activity I will think about a sociology course I previously tutored for.

    What part or parts of your course would you flip?
    I would flip the explanations of core theoretical models. I would create a video series of short footage (5 mins tops) explaining the overall concept and then key components of each. I would feature these in Moodle and require that students view them before coming to the ‘activity session’. Attendance at the activity session would have be marked and have an assessment weighting. They would not be able to attend the activity session unless they had viewed the videos (unless they had medical documentation etc.)

    What form of pre-work would you create? (e.g. Narrated presentation, screen recordings, lecture capture?)
    The pre-work would be viewing the videos and then writing a short reflection on the material. They would need to come with these thematic reflections to class. These would be incorporated into the first activity within the session.

    What software might you use to do it? (e.g. Camtasia, Echo360?)
    I would use Camtasia to create the videos in – I find the versatility of editing tools within this software meets my needs well.

    What types of activities would you use in your active learning classroom? (e.g. Group discussions, Problem-based learning, collaborative presentations, buzz groups?)
    I would use a mix of group discussions and collaborative presentations.

    What type of reflective or discussion activities would work for this class?
    Firstly, reflecting on the concepts shown in the videos. The discussion activities and collaborative presentations would focus on applying the concepts to different case study scenarios. Each group would have a different scenario. Students then get to be hands on with one scenario, but also learn a full range from engaging with those of other groups.

  13. Most of the courses that run at the ANU Med School where I work is already flipped. And I don’t convene any courses so I’ll just give a concrete example of a course that’s been flipped and how it is designed.

    Course: Clinical Skills – Examination of the Gastrointestinal System

    KuraCloud lesson with MCQs and videos that demonstrate the techniques used for examining the gastrointestinal system.

    KuraCloud and Camtasia. The video was shot using a DSLR camera. Post-production was done with Camtasia.

    Active learning in the classroom:
    Since this is a Clinical Skills course, aside from the lecture day, they have a tutorial wherein they have volunteer patients. The students get to practice how to examine the GI system on a live patient with the guidance of a tutor. Students also discuss with their peers aspects of the lesson.

    Reflective activity:
    I’m not sure if they have a reflective activity but they can perhaps reflect on the examination process.

  14. I have done flipped classrooms before, but I learned new things in this course that I will incorporate next time around. Last semester I taught Phonetics and Phonology. The students had to read a book chapter before coming to class, and in the class we would do short activities based on the reading (for example, transcription or acoustic analysis). I didn’t use video recordings to present lectures, and I don’t think I would change the readings to video content. Perhaps, I could supplement them. I now also realize that I did not have a reflection/discussion component in there. Next time I might ask students to reflect on what parts of the activities went / didn’t go well and why. I also like the idea of adding a short quiz to ensure adequate preparation.

  15. Unfortunately, the link for Law and Public Policy leads to a dead-end. Instead, I quite enjoyed this piece by Dirk Moses from the University of Sydney: http://sydney.edu.au/education-portfolio/ei/teaching@sydney/flipping-classroom-evaluating-experiment-humanities/. Moses’ experiment shares many parallels with the preferred methods of a Convenor I have TA’d 4 courses with. His article identified the same pros, cons, and conclusions I experienced in each of these courses.

    One method I have found useful in encouraging (but, by no means guaranteeing) preparation, is making the final grade for an assessment component based on the best score(s) from across the semester. For example, my students have to provide reading summaries before each class. Rather than giving everyone only 1 opportunity to do this summary, students have endless opportunities across the semester. Each submission is marked and returned with feedback. Their best submission is the one that will finally count for grading purposes. In the meantime, students have had opportunities to learn from their mistakes and develop their skills. Simultaneously, students are not discouraged from doing the prep-work simply because it is not their turn. No one is disadvantaged by not being available on a specific week. Finally, having (potentially multiple) summaries up *before* class highlights gaps in understanding and content to focus on in class, and provides those students who haven’t done the readings with enough information to “catch-up” and join in the discussion, but not enough to be able to pass the entire course based only on the summaries.

    1. Hi Bhavani, thanks for letting us know about that link – I have updated it now to have new link to a video on flipping the law school classroom from the US! I think giving students the opportunity to update and correct their assignments over the course of the semester is a great idea. I’m hoping we can talk more specifically about this in a future coffee course on formative assessment practices 🙂

  16. I don’t have a class of my own to flip, but I will propose some ideas for flipping a course I have previously taught. I think the key to making a flipped classroom work is having good design especially around assessment. The pre-work can’t add to students workloads, and the assessment absolutely has to be aligned to the class activities. I really like the idea of having a pre-quiz that tests students understandings of the readings/recorded material, which then would also give the teacher some indication of where students are at in class as well as forcing students to do the work before class because it counts for the grade.

    I heard in one of the videos through this course that students worked on group projects in the classes, which I assume was then their assessment. I think this idea could work for my discipline, especially if they were given a large data collection and analysis project with some kind of presentation at the end. The whole project could then be done in class time, with the teacher on hand for help, and at each stage would apply the knowledge in the pre-work. This particular approach wouldn’t work so well for another kind of course I have taught which primarily gives an overview of a number of different theories. In that case, in-class work might be more oriented towards working on case studies of the theories, with the pre-test perhaps more critically-focussed.

    In terms of recorded material, I would probably prefer to record summary or introductory videos (or both) to supplement and guide students through a number of readings. This way, students could get more exposure to journal articles and chapters, rather than textbook material, but would also have some guidance as to what they should take away from each.

  17. I have found that I need to have a careful balance between how much content I put into online videos/lessons for pre-learning. It has taken a bit of trial and error to get the balance right so that students aren’t too overwhelmed before they even get into the classroom or are put off doing the pre-learning all together. One of the benefits in my discipline is that we have both lectures and practical classes. This gives me an opportunity to carefully space and scaffold the learning using the flipped model as well as utilising both tech and non-tech educational interventions. I have found it beneficial to provide students with opportunities for spaced learning/repetition.

  18. I applied the flipped model to an intensive course I design and convened, a 3-week, Canberra-based course. My first design principle was, zero classrooms and second, paperless. This was only possible under a flipped model, of course! Our 30 teaching sessions were a mix of round-tables, visits to political institutions, workshops with consultants and techies, and some fun activities as well. The pre-work was all available on Wattle. No paper handouts during the sessions, as few powerpoints as possible from our roundtables. The feedback was that more and better prep material was required – there was too much on Wattle for some, not enough for others. Yes I did add in some great Ted talks, some good videos, snippets from Q&A and question time… links to amazing resources… but it was a bit overwhelming I’ll admit and I think I fell into the trap of hyperlinking too much so that students had too many options to click away from my synopses and then get lost in the detail. So for next time, I think I will keep it much simpler, much more concise, and ideally simply try and replicate a 15-20minute series of videos across 4-6 topic areas, rather than overloading students with an encyclopedic array of materials. While I did release each day’s prep in dribs and drabs (eg a progressive release of resources, to avoid overload and to make sure students were in fact prepping every day), the pace wasn’t quite right either. Much to work on, but overall I highly recommend the intensive mode of teaching if that is an option for colleagues out there! Its perfect for those of us doing research as well, as blocking out 2-3 months (prep and delivery) to cover a one semester loading (instead of teaching spread out over 20 weeks end to end) is very handy too.

  19. When I was a first year student many years ago studying languages, we had a short test and a small assignment due every week. Looking back, I realise how it not only forced me to keep up with class preparation but also gave me a sense of security because I always knew where I stood, and final grades were never a surprise. Having read some of the comments here, I realise that this was such a good system and I could apply these in my teaching now, which is not in languages but in art history and theory. I would like to get students to write a short piece every week of 100 words which they must submit before tutorials. Perhaps they need to analyse a work of art using a particular methodology to be covered that week, or answer a question about the weekly reading. Each of these would have to count towards their final grades or many of them wouldn’t find the time, I think.
    I’d like to try making short videos about concepts, too, because when too many concepts are covered in a 2 hour lecture they are lost to many students, I think.
    I’ve had some success in the past with taking students on a field trip to a gallery where they had to choose a work of art on display and fill out a questionnaire about that work in groups of two or three. The questionnaire required them to analyse the work of art using methodologies we’d discussed over the semester. I also included a part for them to write questions that they would include on such a questionnaire. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the students had absorbed much of what we’d covered during the course. I think I would include more activities like this in the future.

  20. Finding a way to integrate flipped-classroom teaching into a limited component of a fixed curriculum presents some challenges. For myself, these include that face-to-face teaching would need to occur with up to around 100 students in a standard lecture theatre. Not impossible to achieve, but will require some lateral thinking to find the optimal methods to make this work. Another difficulty I have encountered (along with many others gauging from the blog) is encouraging students to complete the online content before the lecture time-slot. As I see occurring in pracs and in a flipped-classroom lesson I initiated last year, it is likely that some (quite a few) students will be accessing the online lesson for the first time during the face-to-face session which is less than ideal.
    One approach that I would like to take is to have students group into twos or threes during a “lecture” and work together on a problem related to content presented in a pre-lecture online lesson using KuraCloud. During this I could work my way around the lecture theatre to offer assistance or encourage alternative/more in-depth approaches to the problem. In this way, I would be better able to identify students who are having difficulty with the content and extend those who already have knowledge of the basic principles. On completion of the problem each group would then submit their responses using Echo360ALP. I am hoping that participation in the survey would be high (which I have found is sometimes not the case when individuals are asked to respond) since it would be occurring at a small group rather than individual level. Following this I would then lead a whole class discussion of the results. For complex multi-stage problems, groups in different parts of the lecture theatre could be assigned one part of a larger problem and then submit the answers in sequence using Echo360 as before.
    I like the idea of linking to a wide range of different types of resources from within an online lesson – this provides a way of steering students’ information-seeking to “appropriate” sources of information. Web-links to things like individual medical case studies might serve to put the basic science principles they are learning into a medical context and provide more advanced material for those wanting it without increasing the quantity of assessable content. These would likely make interesting starting points for discussions/small group face-to-face activities and encourage them to demonstrate and apply their knowledge to what they might consider to be more relevant problems. I also think that including a section at the end of the online lesson with questions prompting the students to reflect on their learning would be worthwhile, or alternatively, this could be the first discussion point for the face-to-face session that follows.

  21. What part or parts of your course would you flip?
    I teach networked information systems to computer science, engineering, business, and economics students. I decided to flip the ethics part of the unit.

    What form of pre-work would you create? (e.g. Narrated presentation, screen recordings, lecture capture?)
    I created a screen recording (including in part my talking head) of the topic motivation — why ethics is important in the context of networked information systems. After this, I recommended some reading — ethics theory and a case study. Finally, I had another screen recording (including in part my talking head) where I summarised the key lessons of the reading.

    What software might you use to do it? (e.g. Camtasia, Echo360?)
    I used Powerpoint and Quicktime Player for making the videos and then Wattle lecture functionality to compose the materials as a flipped classroom prep to the face-to-face large lecture and small-group tutorial.

    What types of activities would you use in your active learning classroom? (e.g. Group discussions, Problem-based learning, collaborative presentations, buzz groups?)
    In the classroom, I used paired discussion activities, followed by some students presenting the summarised pair answers to the large class. These activities were built around applying the learnt ethics theory to tricky minicases. I also presented a couple of ethical cases from my own work and a panel of tutors giving similar reflections/rationales to the class as well, followed by small group discussions.

    What type of reflective or discussion activities would work for this class?
    Asking about scenarios/real life situations where the students think they a) have used a key lessons of their choice from the class in their life particularly well and b) would have acted differently had they known some key lessons of their choice from the class.

  22. I would like to create more specific ANU-created video content using GoAnimate or HP5 etc. I also need to create additional videos around assessment items. I agree with the challenges that can occur in flipped classrooms but despite these I think it is a valuable mode of delivery. It is time intensive to design and set up a flipped course. As mentioned previously I do not think I have the mix quite right yet. This is largely because of the resources needed to develop the content and in-class activities that I think are needed to do it well, so I focus on small incremental improvements each semester. I attended the Science Teaching and Learning Forum this year, and was impressed with the strides they are making and the work that they are doing in this area!

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